July 5, 2024

Welcome to my new home!

Please do not mind the mess as I migrate my old posts to my new site. I am in the process of moving everything and trying to get all of the old posts updated with links and pictures.

Everything from my WordPress days can still be found here. Though I will have it all here before too much longer.

WordPress was great for growing the Hoard but I think I have outgrown its user interface and have decided that I would be better off with writing simple Markdown and hosting through blot.im.

I am learning many new things as I navigate this new venture and if things break in the process feel free to let me know, though you can probably assume I may already be in the process of trying to fix it.

Feel free to let me know what you think by messaging me at my email, or here once I figure out comments on these posts!

I am also looking at how I can migrate my mailing list, though I may just opt for my SubStack and integration with the blog, if I can figure that out too.

Summer vacation is here but I am working hard for you!

Signing off for now,

Derek Bizier, the Halfling WebMaster (though at this point I am feel more like a novice)!

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Diplomacy in the Classroom Diplomacy is a game for children. No seriously, it is a game that should be played with children. I have found very few greater joys in my teaching
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The One Ring 2E I’m not sure my readership is the target audience for this. I’m not sure who my actual audience is anyway. I have written so infrequently as of late