Secret Projects, New Logo, and More…
So welcome back my dear readers, today I wanted to talk quickly about a few secret projects… Or rather talk about what’s going on in my head as I work on secret projects, because you know, they are secret!
But first here is a look at the new logo!
New Logo in Gold
New Logo in Silver
Drew Cochran of Epic of Dreams fame worked with me on getting this put together. I love what he has done! And yes that is a likeness of me, way to add that personal touch Drew. High res finalized files are incoming! He has been in the back end helping me get all of this going and I feel like he needs a huge shout out for being a great friend and muse in my journey as a RPG guy putting my stuff into the world. So thanks Drew!
In other news I am working on becoming an affiliate with DriveThru to help fund my ability to receive new content from them to bring more reviews, news and other content here to this blog.
Now onto the secret projects…
I am currently working on 3 secret projects across the internet with many cool people in the RPG community. I had a bit of a slump for about three months. Covid, life, work, friends, family, etc. have gotten in the way of my creative ability to well… create.
I have recently had a flash and have had some excitement return to my creative flow. That coupled with my recent blog activity have given me to go power I needed to pick it back up. So I am writing, slowly and picking up a bit of steam for one of the bigger projects.
Is this what a writer’s block looks like?
So all of that said I am moving past my block and working away at some content that I hope to be able to talk about here in the future. Until then please keep reading, tell your friends who are excited at all about RPGs or wargames. I think I’m going to be trying to expand my posts per week to two soon. The Halfling’s Hoard is a growing project and I want to take you and yours along for the ride.
Derek Bizier, the Halfling Master